Det osynliga våldet

För kvinnor och män som fallit offer för psykisk misshandel, privat eller på sin arbetsplats.


"Att förändra ett liv" - Vilket stödbehov har personer med ADHD som vill lämna en kriminell livsstil?

En förstudie (nov 2011–maj 2012) framtagen av Riksförbundet Attention i samarbete med kriminalvården (sidan 8) .

Antisocial personlighetsstörning

Ca 2% av normalbefolkningen, ca 60% av manliga interner. Överskrider rådande normer, bedrägligt beteende, impulsiv och aggressiv, nonchalerar egen/andras säkerhet, ansvarslös och brist på ångerskänslor.


0,5-2% av normalbefolkningen, 20-30% av internerna. Vill undvika separationer, instabil och impulsiv, identitetsstörning, tomhetskänsla, suicidal, självdestruktivitet, inadekvat vrede och tillfällig paranoia.

Narcissistisk personlighetsstörning

Ca 1% av normalbefolkningen, högre än i populationen i övrigt. Grandios självbild, kräver övermått av beundran, förväntar sig särbehandling, utnyttjar andra, empatistörd, avundsjuk och arrogant.


En kombination av borderline, antisocial och narcissistisk personlighetstörning. Diagnosticeras efter en poängskala över 20 olika karaktärsdrag kallad PCL-R. Uppnås minst 26 poäng av maximala 40 klassificeras man som psykopat i Sverige.


National Institutes of HealthResults from the National Epidemiologic Survay on Alcohol and Related Conditions (% of US population) People who meet the criteria for a personality disorder.


"The researchers interviewed over 35.000 people who were representative of the United States population. The following are the study result for the five personality disorders which I belive are the most often associated with high-conflict behavior.
  • Narcissistic - 6.2% (62% male 38% female)
  • Borderline - 5.9% (47% male 53% female)
  • Paranoid - 4.4% (43% male 57% female)
  • Antisocial - 3.6% (74% male 26% female)
  • Histrionic - 1.8% (51% male 49% female)
There is a lot of overlap, so that many people who fit in one category may have two or more personality disorders. Also, the researchers found that there was a lot of overlap with other mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, substance abuse and addiction, suicidal thoughts and actual suicides." (BIFF - Quick Responses to High Conflict People, Bill Eddy sidan 15-16)

Domestic violence

"In 2008, family-law and domestic-violence experts held a conference to increase understanding and effectiveness in dealing with this serious problem. They concluded that there are actually four distinctly different types of domestic violance (Kelly and Johnson 2008).


Also known as coercive controlling violence, battering involves a pattern of power and control by one partner and a pattern of fear in the victim partner. There may not be frequent violence , but when the violence occurs, it can be severe and result in bruises, broken bones, and death. The victim often becomes isolated, loses self-esteem, and finds it very hard to leave. Batterers are primary male, although perhaps 25 percent are female, with the same dynamics against their male partner. Most batterers seem to have characteristics of borderline, narcissistic, or antisocial personalities.
Courts commonly order batterers treatment groups for batterers, which may last twelve, twenty-six, or fifty-two weeks, depending on your court system. These programs are generally helpfull for batterers with borderline or impulsive narcissistic traits, because they learn how to prevent the buildup of anger and how to challenge the cognitive distortions that lead them to blame their spouses and justify violence. Batterers who have antisocial or controlled narcissistic traits are less affected by these treatment programs, because they don´t see themselves as having an 'anger management' problem; they are able to manage their anger very well to achive their own selfish purposes.

Situational Couple Violence

This type of domestic violence is the most common type. Instead of a pattern of power and control, both parties in the couple have difficulties resolving conflict peacefully and get into pushing and shoving types of behavior, sometimes with injuries. Neither party lives in fear of the other, and the violence is generally less severe. Research shows that men and women engage in this type of violence fairly equally and they are less likely to have PDs than batterers.

Separation-Instigated Violence

Sometimes there are one or two incidents at the time of separation, but not prior history of violence. Both parties may engage in this behavior, and it is fairly equal among males and females.

Violent Resistance

Violent resistance is the term used when a victim of a batterer fights back, sometimes injuring the usual perpetrator. Sometimes, batterers set up a spouse to fight back, then call the police. Sometimes victims get arrested because of one injury to the batterer, while the batterer gets away with noumerous injuries on other occations that the victim does not report.
Unfortunately, while many counselors are now aware of the four types of domestic violance, many lawyers and judges are not. Some have presumptions that any incident of domestic violence is always a sign of a batterer, and they treat it very severly. Others have presumptions that minimize domestic violence, and they assume it will stop on its own. Both unofficial presumptions can be terribly wrong, but in the adversarial process, with huge caseloads and little training, judges have to make on-the-spot decisions, and unofficial presumptions exist, wheter they are recognized or not."
(Bill Eddy, Splitting - Protecting yourself while divorcing someone with borderline or narcissistic personity disorder, sidan 121-123)

The Structure of Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for DSM-IV Personality Disorders

"Fourth, in contrast to the genetic factors, the structure of the unique environmental risk factors closely resembled that predicted by the DSM-IV PD clusters. These results suggest that the tendency for PDs to have higher levels of comorbidity within than across clusters results largely from environmental factors."

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Brottsförebyggande rådet, Prop..., SOU..., ...

2011 anmäldes ca 89 500 misshandelsbrott i Sverige. Av de vuxna misshandlade är 63 % män och  37 % kvinnor. Av det totala antalet är ca en tredjedel kvinnor (31%), drygt 11 % är barn och drygt hälften är män (58%).
1998 anmäldes 709 fall av misshandel mot barn 0-6 år. Av dessa begicks 84 % inomhus (3 % grov misshandel) och 16 % utomhus. Anmälningarna av så kallad annan misshandel har ökat från 80-talet (anmälningarna femdubblades under perioden 1980-1998). Anmälningarna som betecknas som grov misshandel har däremot minskat under perioden.  2010 anmäldes 2900 fall av misshandel mot barn i åldern 0-6 år och 9300 fall av misshandel mot barn i åldern 7-14 år.
2006 var 7200 barn och ungdomar (0-17 år) aktuella för socialtjänstens utredningar rörande vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Det motsvarar knappt 0,4 % av barnen i åldern 0-17 år, eller i genomsnitt 23 barn/kommun och år perioden 2000-2006.(varierade mellan 0,3 – 583 barn/kommun) 
2011 anmäldes 28 000 fall av misshandel mot kvinna. Drygt en fjärdedel av kvinnorna uppger att de misshandlats av en närstående enligt Nationella trygghetsundersökningen, NTU. Totalt anmälde cirka 0,2 % kvinnor att de utsatts för misshandel av en närstående 2010. Enligt statistik från Brå anmäls i genomsnitt cirka 2500 fall av grov kvinnofridskränkning per år (2006-2010). Ökningen av misshandel mot kvinna är tydligast i gruppen ensamstående mödrar som utsatts för misshandel av en närstående och kvinnor som misshandlats i yrkeslivet av en ytlig bekant, till exempel av arbets- eller skolkamrater, lärare och patienter.
I studien Våld mot kvinnor och män i nära relationer grundad på NTU (2006-2008) uppger 1,2% kvinnorna att de utsatts för relationsvåld. Siffrorna för män i samma undersökning var 0,3%. Män utsattes oftare för trakasserier medan kvinnor var mer utsatta för hot och misshandel.
2010 anmäldes 2501 fall av grov kvinnofridskränkning och 1435 fall av grov fridskränkning (509 fall mot kvinna under 18 år, 325 fall mot kvinna över 18 år, 474 fall mot man under 18 år och 127 mot man över 18 år).


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